Code with meaning. Electric Jones

A research blog about conservation, games, and related awesomeness. This site is like a map to an old Action RPG. It's dangerous to go alone -- so join me!

Choose Your Adventure:

Photo of Michael

Hi friend, I'm Michael

I'm a researcher who thrives on creative collaboration with passionate people solving complex problems. My interests lie at the many intersections of Computer Science, Anthropology, Game Sciences, and Conservation.

I started programming in fourth grade (thanks Meadowbrook Elementary for a one-computer lab). Since then I have worked in just about every area of computer science. As with many, making games has been a powerful expression of my computer science interest.

Most of my education is actually in social science. I have a Masters in Anthropology and an M.Ed. in Educational Psychology. My academic research focused around Educational Storytelling, Fan Communities, Narrative Identity, and Folklore. I love people and am addicted to stories.

But who can live in front of a computer? The most meaningful moments of my life have involved nature, non-human animals, and conservation. From many years working in city shelters, to scuba diving, river cleanups, and citizen science projects.

Now, as an independent researcher, I get to mix all of those passions in my cauldron and toss in some creative collaboration with brilliant people.

This blog is a place to document my journey, to share my research, and (most importantly) to "Learn Out Loud" so we can all sharpen each other.

~ Game Controller Image by catalyststuff on Freepik