Awesome Game Studies List

A community-driven awesome list of resources for gaming scholarship, art, and sciences. Focused on general Game Scholarship Theories, Videogames, and Tabletop games.

I am thrilled to announce my latest project: Awesome Game Studies.

People play games. A lot of games. It is one of the most fundamental human experiences. Humanity has even been called Homo Ludens.

Game Studies is the field of research that asks all the questions about why and how we play games. It’s a broad network of disciplines ranging all across social science, computer science, and the humanities. Anthropologists study the meaning derived from games and the social significance of play. Psychologists investigate how individuals and groups react to different gameplay experiences. Historians document our long story of game play throughout the ages. Everywhere we look, we see people interested in games.

The List

This awesome list is meant to be a curated stepping off point into this beautiful forest of game studies. Here you will find accessible resource across a wide breadth of game studies topics. The focus here is breadth, not depth. Also, the focus is primarily on the study of games and less on the making of games. Though there will always be overlap.

The list is divided into a few sections:

  • General Introductions to Game Studies
  • History of Gaming
  • Scholarship and Theory
  • Game Development
  • Gaming Culture
  • Educational, Therapeutic, and Impact Gaming
  • Special and Miscellaneous Topics
  • Community: Conferences, Schools, Research Organizations
  • Other Lists

And there are various tags to describe the content level, licensing and other things.


This is an open project! Please open a pull request to suggest more resources.