Games Do Good

A curated list of resources that show the positive impact of games.

I am announcing the Games Do Good List, an open-source list of research documenting the positive impact of games.

We often hear of potentials dangers games: people getting lost in fantasy, encouraging violence, loss of ambition, addiction, and on and on.

This list represents evidence-based and powerful voices on the other side – a collection of articles, stories, and research studies that show positive effects of video games.

It is not a comprehensive list. It is not meant to be a full literature review. It is not authoritative. It does not claim to be unbiased.

But, this list is a collection of sound research that shows games do good.

We all knew it.

The List

The list is in two categories.

Peer Reviewed Research: These are scientific papers and can be fairly technical. They run the gamut of scientific disciplines.

Non Academic: These are more accessible resource from newspapers and other well-respected individuals and organizations.


This is an open project! Please open a pull request to suggest more resources.